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A photo of Joshua, a tutor from Dayspring Bible College and Seminary


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I am Joshua Akakpo, born in 1987 and raised in two French countries but live the USA now since 2013. I am a native French speaker, I went to French school in those two countries and started My freshman year in college when I was studying computer science. Then moved to USA in 2013 to study, I have both Bachelor and Master degree in Christians Missions and Bible College Administration. Taking now another master in Counseling, major in Healthcare Chaplaincy. I speak 6 languages including English.
我的目标是为子孙后代是一个例子to exceed and develop their mental and use it to properly achieve something great for themselves. One of them is Language, if you are great in it, it's sure you can be great in communication and with great conversation skills. I've Got many skills over the years that I would love to list here but we never stop learning so I have decided before doing anything, I will do more research. I should get some experiences to prepare myself. I have traveled in many countries, worked with Non-Profit Organizations, worked with Presidents of colleges, Translated books, proofread books, helped in many sections in French language. I also taught French online with Chinese students and two students from Washington State. I want to use my skills and knowledge in French to teach others who are struggling and want to increase their skills. Just so you know, you have the ability to be and do more than what you think, just find the passion and believe in yourself.
Thank You.

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Joshua’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Dayspring Bible College and Seminary - Bachelor in Arts, Christian Studies

Graduate Degree: Dayspring Bible College and Seminary - Master of Arts, Bible Studies


Reading, movies, Soccer, hiking, guitar, chess, drawing, gym, basketball, PlayStation, Video games, Manga, Movies

Tutoring Subjects

Conversational French

Elementary School (in French)

Elementary School Reading



French 1

French 2




Reading Comprehension (in French)

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