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A photo of kanchan, a tutor from University of Mumbai- India


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I am passionate about mathematics and excited to share my love and passion with my students.

I have 10 years of teaching experience with almost all the grade level and for my professional advancement I have completed doctorate in Mathematics Education form Teachers college, NY. One of my unique capabilities is to explain complicated concept in an easily understandable manner. In order to make math more fun and interesting, I incorporate real-life activities and technologies .

I am dedicated to ensure the success of all my students.

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kanchan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Mumbai- India - Bachelor of Education, Mathematics

Graduate Degree: Teachers College Columbia University - Doctor of Education, Mathematics


Gardening, walking, listening music

Tutoring Subjects



ACCUPLACER College-Level Math

ACT Math


Discrete Math

Elementary School Math

Finite Mathematics

GED Prep

GED Math


Middle School Math


Test Prep

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