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A photo of Navin, a tutor from Indian Institute of Technology


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I earned my Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. I was a national topper in Physics at High School level, and am an expert in STEM subjects, including Math, Chemistry and Physics. I worked in the telecommunications industry for 30 years and am now retired. I have also taught math and science subjects at the college-level in New Jersey. I am focused on tutoring high school and middle school students in Maths, Chemistry and Physics, ACT/SAT Test Prep at all levels in High School.

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Navin’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Indian Institute of Technology - Bachelors, Electrical Engineering

Graduate Degree:Carnegie Mellon University- PHD, Electrical Engineering


Reading, Travel

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

In the first session, we will go over your needs in detail. The first session is used to hone in to areas of improvement. Then we can set up the tutoring schedule and agree on what will be done in each session.

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