Award-Winning Chemistry Tutors in Crest Hill, IL

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I highly recommend Varsity Tutors for being responsive to my daughters needs and providing her a tutor that helped her solidify the concepts she was learning in chemistry. Definitely worth the money spent!

— Ningrit

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Private In-Home and Online Chemistry Tutoring

Receive personally tailored Chemistry lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with in-home and online tutoring that offers flexible scheduling and your choice of locations.

Your Personalized Tutoring Program and Instructor

Identify Needs

Our knowledgeable directors help you choose your tutor with your learning profile and personality in mind.


Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

Increased Results

You can learn more efficiently and effectively because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

With the flexibility of online tutoring, your tutor can be arranged to meet at a time that suits you.

Recent Tutoring Session Reviews

Chemistry Tutoring review by Jeff in Crest Hill, IL
我们went over two more practice Research Summary passages. Then we talked about the details of the Conflicting Viewpoints passages and questions and did two practice passages. Then we started looking at the Math Section of the practice test she just took. Next session we are going to go over the score report and the student requested that we do something that helps her with her timing so I am going to do some research and start inserting that into lessons.
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Chemistry Tutoring review by Ishita in Crest Hill, IL
Trigonometric identities. We also did some SAT prep for her May 5 SAT by going over some of the writing section and reviewing some vocabulary.
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Chemistry Tutoring review by Melissa in Crest Hill, IL
The student and I began the session by discussing revisions of the rubric. We then went on to use the rubric to assess his current writing assignment. Then, we furthered our discussion about transition words. Excellent session!
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Chemistry Tutoring review by Danielle in Crest Hill, IL
我们went over the homework that I gave her for reading comprehension and she did such a great job. I explained and pointed out what she did correctly that made her rewrite of the reading passage so well. We also went over her regrouping and subtracting she is getting much better at regrouping still needs more work. We focused on me teaching her how to plan out her story before writing it.
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Chemistry Tutoring review by Molly in Crest Hill, IL
We began working through the practice test from the beginning. The writing section is first. He has a strong grasp of some concepts, and we were able to identify a number of specific skills to target to improve his performance. For next week, he will complete the writing section of the first practice test, and we will do a short lesson on commas and dependent clauses.
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Chemistry Tutoring review by Ingrid in Crest Hill, IL
我们went over the major question types for the exam writing section, discussing in depth the grammar principles behind them. She has a strong literature background, and I have no doubt of her critical reading skills, but she needs to strengthen her understanding of style for the grammar. I am very confident about her potential for the assessment. We talked about her academic background, and she did practice problems from the prep-test book.
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(847) 840-2442
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